Volvemos a recibir manuscritos para la sección general, para los números de diciembre de 2024 en adelante. Recuerden revisar nuestras normas editoriales.
Agha, Asif. 2003. The social life of cultural value. Language and Communication 23: 231-273.
Ahearn, Laura. 2001. Agency. En Alessandro Duranti (ed.). Key Terms in Language and culture, pp. 7-10. Oxford: Blackwell.
______ 2010. Agency and language. En Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman y Jürgen Japsers (eds.). Society and language use, pp. 28-48. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Pub. Co.
Andrade Ciudad, Luis y Rosaleen Howard. 2021. Las lenguas quechuas en tres países andino-amazónicos: de las cifras a la acción ciudadana. Káñina, Revista de Artes y Letras de la Universidad de Costa Rica 45(1): 7-38. DOI: 10.155 17/rk.v 45i1. 45618
Block, David. 2014. Moving beyond ‘lingualism’: Multilingual embodiment and multimodality in SLA. En Stephen May (ed.). The Multilingual Turn: Implications for SLA, TESOL, and Bilingual Education, pp. 54-76. New York; London: Routledge.
Briones, Claudia. 1998. (Meta) cultura del Estado-nación y estado de la (meta) cultura: Repensando las identidades indígenas y antropológicas en tiempos de post-estatalidad. Série Antropología 244 1-56.
Brown, Wendy. 2015. Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s stealth revolution. Nueva York: Zone Books.
Cadena, Marisol de la y Orin Starn. 2010. Introducción. En Marisol de la Cadena y Orin Starn (eds.). Indigeneidades contemporáneas. Cultura, política y globalización. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos e Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos.
Canagarajah, Suresh. 2017. Translingual practice as spatial repertoires: Expanding the paradigm beyond structuralist orientations. Applied Linguistics 39(1): 31-54. DOI: 10.1093/applin/amx041
Cosamalón, Jesús y Francisco Durand. 2022. La república empresarial. Neoliberalismo, emprendedurismo y desigualdad. Lima: Derrama Magisterial.
Cru, Josep. 2015. Language revitalisation from the ground up: Promoting Yucatec Maya on Facebook. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 36(3): 284-296. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2014.921184
De Korne, Haley. 2021. Language activism. Imaginaries and Strategies of Minority Language Equality. Berlín: De Gruyter.
Duranti, Alessandro. 2004. Agency in Language. En Alessandro Duranti (ed.). A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology, pp. 451-473. Oxford: Blackwell.
Eckert, Penelope. 2008. Variation and the indexical field. Journal of Sociolinguistics 12(4): 453-476.
Hale, Charles. 2005. Neoliberal multiculturalism: The remaking of cultural rights and racial dominance in Central America. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 28(1): 10-28.
Hermes, Mary, Megan Bang y Ananda Marin. 2012. Designing indigenous language revitalization. Harvard Educational Review 82(3): 381-403.
Hornberger, Nancy y David Cassels Johnson. 2007. Slicing the onion ethnographically: Layers and spaces in multilingual language education policy and practices. TESOL Quarterly 41(3): 509-532.
Huber, Ludwig. 2021. Ensayando identidades. Estado e indígenas en el Perú contemporáneo. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
INEI (Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática). 2017. Censos Nacionales 2017: XII de Población, VII de Vivienda y III de Comunidades Indígenas.
Inoue, Miyako. 2004. What does language remember?: Indexical inversion and the naturalized history of Japanese women. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 14(1): 39-56.
Johnson, David Cassels. 2009. Ethnography of language policy. Language Policy 8: 139-159.
Johnson, David Cassels y Thomas Ricento. 2013. Conceptual and theoretical perspectives in language planning and policy: Situating the ethnography of language policy. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 219: 7-21.
Kertzer, David I. y Dominique Arel. 2002. Censuses, identity formation and the struggle for political power. En David I. Kertzer y Dominique Arel (eds.). Census and Identity. The Politics or Race, Ethnicity, and Language in National Censuses, pp. 1-42. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DOI: 10.1017/ CBO9780511606045.002
Leonard, Wesley Y. 2017. Producing language reclamation by decolonising ‘language’. En Wesley Y. Leonard y Haley De Korne (eds.). Language Documentation and Description, vol 14, pp. 15-36. Londres: EL Publishing.
Lim, Lisa, Christopher Stroud y Lionel Wee (eds.). 2018. The Multilingual Citizen: Towards a Politics of Language for Agency and Change. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Martin-Jones, Marilyn e Ildegrada da Costa Cabral. 2018. The critical ethnographic turn in research on language policy and planning. En James Tollefson y Miguel PérezMilans (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, pp. 1-23. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
McCarty, Teresa (ed.). 2010. Ethography and language policy. Londres: Routledge. McEwan-Fujita, Emily. 2010. Ideology, affect, and socialization in language shift and revitalization: The experiences of adults learning Gaelic in the Western Isles of Scotland. Language in Society 39: 27-64.
Menken, Kate y Ofelia García (eds.). 2010. Negotiating language policies in schools: Educators as policymakers. Nueva York: Routledge.
Parish, Ayden y Kira Hall. 2021. Agency. En James Stanlaw (ed.). The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Wiley.
Pérez Milans, Miguel. 2013. Urban schools and English language education in late modern China: A critical sociolinguistic ethnography. Londres: Routledge.
Perroud, Pedro Clemente y Juan María Chouvenc. 1970. Diccionario castellano kechwa, kechwa castellano. Dialecto de Ayacucho. Lima: Seminario San Alfonso, Padres Redentoristas.
Ricento, Thomas y Nancy Hornberger. 1996. Unpeeling the onion: Language planning and policy and the ELT professional. TESOL Quarterly 30(3): 401-427.
Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia. 2015. Strategic ethnicity, nation, and (Neo)colonialism in Latin America. Alternautas 2(2): 10-20.
Sichra, Inge. 2016a. Políticas lingüísticas en familias indígenas: cuando la realidad supera la imaginación. UniverSOS 13: 135-151.
______ 2016b. ¿Ser o no ser bilingüe? Lenguas indígenas en familias urbanas. La Paz: FUNPROEIB Andes.
Silverstein, Michael. 2003. Indexical order and the dialectics of sociolinguistic life. Language & Communication 23(3-4): 193-229. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0271-5309(03)00013-2.
Shimelman, Av i va . 2017. A grammar of Yauyos Quechua. Berlín: Language Science Press.
Soto Ruiz, Clodoaldo. 1976. Diccionario quechua: Ayacucho-Chanca. Lima: Ministerio de Educación e Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
Tollefson, James y Miguel Pérez Milans. 2018. Research and practice in language policy and planning. En James Tollefson y Miguel Pérez Milans (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, pp. 1-32. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wee, Lionel. 2021. Rethinking agency in language and society. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 267-268: 271-275.
Williams, Quentin y Christopher Stroud. 2013. Multilingualism in Transformative Spaces: Contact and Conviviality. Language Policy 12(4): 289–311.
Wortham, Stanton. 2012. Beyond macro and micro in the linguistic anthropology of education. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 43(2), 128-137.
Zavala, Virginia. 2019. Youth and the repoliticization of Quechua. Language, Culture and Society 1(1): 59-82. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/lcs.00004.zav
______ 2020. Derechos lingüísticos y lenguas originarias: una mirada crítica desde América Latina. Word 66(4): 341-358.
Zevallos Aguilar, Ulises Juan. 2011. Los usos de la tradición musical quechua en las canciones de Uchpa. Crónicas Urbanas 16: 63-76.