Symptomatology in Children Who Have Experienced Sexual Aggression and in Their Caregivers



The present study aims to characterize the symptomatology presented by children who have been victims of sexual aggression and their caregivers, evaluating its association with sociodemographic and sexual aggression variables, as well as the relationship between both symptomatologic expressions. The sample corresponds to 70 cases of children between four and nine years, admitted to severe maltreatment reparation programs (PRM) at Región Metropolitana. Symptomatology instruments for children (SDQ version for parents) and adults (OQ-30.2 and BDI self-report) were used, beside a case characterization form completed by PRM professionals. The results indicate that 72.9% of the children present relevant symptomatology. As for their caregivers, 51.4% presented general symptomatology (OQ-30.2) and 51.5% presented depressive symptomatology (BDI). There is a positive association between children’s symptomatology and their caregivers. The theoretical and clinical relevance of the findings and the consideration of caregivers as indirect victims of sexual aggression are discussed.


child sexual abuse, caregiver figures, symptomatology


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