John Miers (1789-1879), traveler and critic of the chileans at the beginning of the republic
Gonzalo Piwonka Figueroa
Esbozo biográfi co, notas, comentarios y traducción del profesor del Departamento de Ciencias Históricas de la Universidad de Chile
In the time of the beginnings of the Republic are numerous English-speaking travelers that give their testimonies of these lands and people. The great majority of them have been translated to Spanish. However, one of the most important and signifi cant, John Miers, has not achieved such transcription. Diego Barros Arana and José Toribio Medina discarded it referring to be not very impartial in their narrations–that is exactly in certain measure– and to highlight, with rage and fury, the defects of the customs of the Chileans; connotation that other British travelers translated partially, also, made. We give a translation, with the due notes, of the XIX Chapter of the Volume II, which it is where we found the more acidity and exaggerated meticulousness, this important author gives about us.
Piwonka Figueroa, G. (2009). John Miers (1789-1879), traveler and critic of the chileans at the beginning of the republic. Cuadernos De Historia, (30), Pág. 149–191. Retrieved from