Ángel Sanz Briz and Giorgio Perlasca in defense of the Jews of Hungary


  • Matilde Morcillo Rosillo
  • Elena Colitto Castelli


This study, which concerns the rescue of the Jews of Budapest from the Nazi persecutions during the Second World War, aims to clarify certain obscure areas about the merits of some of the protagonists of such actions, in particular, Angel Sanz Briz and Giorgio Perlasca. The comparative study of these protagonists deserves special attention as this is the first essay that has been done so far. That is why texts, documentaries and unpublished testimonies have been used, and they have revealed how the relevant role of Perlasca in the defense of the Jews of Budapest is reduced in favor of the other diplomats.


Budapest, Jews, Angel Sanz Briz, Giorgio Perlasca