Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.
Full papers are invited to be submitted via the journal's official platform by 15 March 2024.
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Based on bibliographic reviews and discussions, the relationship between the current economic model and the global environmental crisis is analyzed. The use of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a standard measurement of social wellbeing is questioned, since the GDP does not take into account how income is distributed or the
environmental effects of economic activity, to the point that a country can be depleting its resources and exhibit positive signs in its economy. Therefore, unlimited growth is not feasible, since the planet has physical limits. In light of this, other economic indicators are presented that possibly better account for the degree of well-being of
societies. New ways of establishing the relationship between the economy and planetary ecosystems are proposed, in addition to the need for new forms of approaching environmental knowledge. As alternatives, the paradigm of
“degrowth” is proposed to advance towards sustainable development or a focus on priorities in which the objective is no longer growth but human and environmental well-being. In short, a new economic paradigm must consider the economic system as an open system, in order to harmonize “Biological Time” and “Economic Time”, making it necessary to move from an anthropocentric ethic to an eco-centric ethic, managing the environmental crisis from a trans-disciplinary knowledge. In this way, an economic system that improves income distribution and respects the biological dynamics of the natural system can help move towards Sustainable Development.
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