
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

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Climate justice and access water in San José de Maipo, Chile



As communities worldwide face the growing impacts of climate change, residents and local decision-makers negotiate, define, and plan adaptation strategies. In Chile, the Framework Law on Climate Change 21.455 (2022) mandates that municipalities develop climate action plans. Amid a 14-year-long extreme drought, declining snow cover, and glacier retreat, we studied access to potable and subsistence water and fair adaptation to climate change in San José de Maipo, a mountainous municipality located at the headwaters of Santiago. We conducted 22 interviews with residents, rural drinking water associations (APRs or SSRs), municipal officials, informal collectives, and water advocacy groups and participated as observers in 12 community events. We found that participants are deeply concerned about climate change, linking it to drought, glacier retreat, snow loss, and extreme rainfall events that disrupt drinking water sources and subsistence agriculture. Vulnerability is shaped by pollution from extractivism, the water rights system, geographic isolation, and limited institutional capacity, creating an increasingly challenging reality for water supply and access. The formation of new APRs, increased environmental education, nature-based solutions, glacier and wetland conservation, and changes in water governance were the most frequently proposed solutions for fair adaptation and are supported by the literature as effective.


adaptation, climate change, drinking water, planning


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