Mexico is a country with very rich culture and languages, however, indigenous languages are at risk of disappearing due to certain factors that cause that cause their replacement by the Spanish language. In recent times (2003) it was published the General Law of Linguistics Rights of Indigenous Peoples (LGDLPI by its Spanish acronym) which aims to preserve and develop the indigenous languages.
This paper analyzes the situation of indigenous languages in their social context: on the one hand, there is a law in their favor and the other, a reality where their speakers are discriminated. The study confronts that which is established by the law and the specific situation of the speakers, which has caused the loss and replacement
of their language.
lenguas indígenas, política lingüística, desplazamiento lingüístico
Canuto Castillo, F. (2014). Indigenous languages in present day Mexico : Politics and reality of language. Lenguas Modernas, (42), Pág. 31 – 45. Retrieved from