The present article explores relationships between psychosis and normality in two texts written by Diamela Eltit, El Padre Mío and Jamás el Fuego Nunca, are books which, through their spacially and linguistically labyrinthine constructions, express, with a baroque way, terror and violence as the political effects sought after by the military dictatorship installed in Chile from 1973 until 1989; effects never repaired during the post-dictatorship period and which have left a mortal imprint that expands through the body of the citizenship, through sickness, insanity, and death.
Brito Astrosa, E. (2015). La ciudad como laberinto psicótico en El padre mío y Jamás el fuego nunca de Diamela Eltit. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (89). Retrieved from
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