Politics and values of literary festivals in the 21st century: Filba International de Buenos Aires



Literary festivals play a substantial role in the construction of the value of Latin American literature in the 21st century, although they have hardly been adressed in the field of Latin American Studies. Since the impact of globalization and neoliberal development on the creative industry, literary festivals have not only been proliferating on both sides of the Atlantic but are also carrying out a process of gatekeeping and public legitimation of certain figures, genres, themes and aesthetics that have an effect on the shaping of taste and on the new world agenda of literary, social and economic values. The case study presented here is based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the programming of the local festival Filba Internacional in Buenos Aires, from 2008 to 2020.


gatekeeping, literary festival, world literature, spectacle, writer’s image, Filba, cosmopolitanism


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