Musical styles among students: Opportunity for the intercultural dialogue?


  • Ahtziri Molina Roldán Universidad Veracruzana
  • Aldo Colorado Carvajal Universidad Veracruzana


This paper questions if the university as a space of interaction can be considered as promoter of intercultural relations among the young students, who have different cultural capital and social condition. This article inquires if university experience provides a shared identity's sense of acceptance and appropriation of diversity. The previous expressed throughout the musical styles the students listen and share in this educational space. The analysis is based upon the data collected in the 2008 survey: Leisure and cultural consumption of the Universidad Veracruzana students, which was carried out in 2008 and collects information of the 10% of the student population from all the areas of the state where the university is present.


Students, cultural capital, musical styles, youth, intercultural