The Tragedy of the Airline AF 447 and the Brazilian Magazines


  • Maria das Graças Targino Universidad Estadual del Piauí
  • Alisson Dias Gomes Facultad San Agustín


The crash of the airline Air France, 2009, held in the media, both by the high number of victims from 33 countries and the discussions about the safety of aviation. The three Brazilian news magazines, Veja, Época and IstoÉ, reproduced in the ir covers June 8 th 2009 (Época) and June 10th (Veja and IstoÉ) the happening. As the magazine has become a media of significant growth in electronic and printed media, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the discussion of these covers, from the perspective of the method of analysis of the speech mentioned by Norman Fairclough.


Analysis of the speech, Norman Fairclough, Brazilian news magazine