TV fiction in Argentina 2011 - 2016: state financing and the crisis of private production


  • Ezequiel Alexander Rivero Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)


The production of TV fiction in Argentina, as elsewhere in the region, was historically characterized by geographic centralization in a few urban centers. As of 2009, the National State introduced a disruption through a set of public promotion plans for the federal content production, with the aim of diversifying the players involved in this activity. The change in the Government's leadership in December 2015 modified the logic of these promotion plans, leaving them unfinished. The objective of this work is to produce empirical knowledge and interpretations that allow recognizing the achievements and limitations of state intervention in this market, in view of an evaluation of this public policy and its impact in industrial and cultural terms. This work frames the policy of state promotion in the broader context of the productive crisis that the local TV fiction industry is going through.


Ficción, Televisión, políticas públicas, audiovisual, diversidad cultural