Quantitative analysis of the most listened to FM stations in Buenos Aires (2011-2017)


  • Agustín Eduardo Espada Universidad Nacional de Quilmes / CONICET
  • Agustín Yannicelli Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


Cultural diversity is essential when it comes to represent the multiplicity of ways in which different groups of a society are expressed. The present work deals with a quantitative analysis of the music programmed in the six radio stations most listened in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina, between 2011 and 2017. The parameters chosen to measure the level of musical diversity existing in the programming of those radios are the quantity of songs emitted, the amount of titles of songs, number of artists and the origin of the same ones. By means of this last variable, it is tried to demonstrate the level of compliance with the last regulatory process of audiovisual communication services in Argentina, which fixes a national music and indie national music share. Finally, the degree of concentration of phonographic producers of the songs and artists cast is shown.


radio, diversidad cultural, diversidad musical, música nacional, música independiente