In this article, we outline an analytical reflection on the territorial disputes that take place between 2012 and 2015 in the comments sections of the Argentine blogs Tod@s and Boquitas pintadas, where sex-gender diversity issues are addressed. We conducted a theoretical-conceptual approach from Latin American cultural studies and Internet studies with a feminist and queer perspective. Our work focuses on a corpus of 5,095 comments that is analyzed with a qualitative methodological strategy. We inquire about the meanings about spatial appropriations and disputes about users’ sense of belonging with respect to these blogs.
discurso, ACD, LGBTIQ, Internet, diversidad sexual
Author Biography
Magalí Daniela Pérez Riedel, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Magalí Pérez Riedel es Doctora en Comunicación (FPyCS – UNLP), investigadora y extensionista (UNQ) y autora del libro Género y diversidad sexual en el blog Boquitas pintadas (2014).
Pérez Riedel, M. D. (2018). Digital public space, disputes and violence: comments on two Argentine LGBTIQ blogs. Comunicación Y Medios, (38), 125–137.