The film as a sense-making machine: Peter Wollen and the British structuralism in the 1970s



This article retrieves the proposals of British cine-structuralism and examines Peter Wollen’s ideas in his book Signs and Meaning in the Cinema that played a crucial role in the constitution of a new critical perspective. Drawing from Claude Lévi-Strauss' anthropology, the British structuralists from the 1970s conceived films as a system of messages ruled by a code. Facing the risks implied in the “cult of personality” (as it could be verified in the notion of auteur proposed by Cahiers du cinéma in the 1950s), the critics associated with the journal Screen worked on the materiality of forms, conceiving the authorial figure as a consequence –not as the origin– of the work. Wollen's book embodies that moment of transition where the figure of the spectator is revalued and begins to perform a central role in art and communication studies.


Journal Screen, British cine-structuralism, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Peter Wollen


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