From virtual cabinets to digital death camps: intersection of Grindr factory Chilean gayness


  • Luis Parra Universidad de Concepción
  • Augusto Obando Universidad de la Frontera


The present work is conceived as an intersectional study between the different technologies of information, bodies, sexualities, class and race. Its focus of analysis are the virtual platforms intended for gay men, which make up a set of web pages and mobile applications (app), which mediate, manage and govern the desire of its users and the exercise of heterodisident sexualities. Technologies that set up emerging forms of sociability in real time and zero meters away, finding its expression in virtual cruising, which models the subjectivities of its users. The Grindr application that uses the geolocation of its users is centrally analized. The question that guides this research work, is how Grindr becomes an intersectional space that generates immediate intimacy and/or virtual cruising, which conveys forms of sociability and sexual practices, and ultimately configures and reconfigures gayness today, in Santiago de Chile. The application (app) Grindr is analyzed centrally, not only for being the pioneer in terms of mobile apps aimed at homosexual men but also for being the first to use the geolocation of its users, positioning it as a virtual map in motion. The question that guides this research work would be: how does Grindr become an intersectional space that generates immediate intimacy and / or virtual cruising, that conveys forms of sociability and sexual practices, and ultimately shapes and reconfigures gayness, in the news, in Santiago, Chile?


Intesectionality, sexuality and technology, Grindr, digital mediation, online cruisingl


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