Humour is a serious matter. Transgression discourses in the alternative press of the North of Patagonia


  • María Palmira Massi Universidad Nacional del Comahue


At present, in the north of Argentine Patagonia is circulating a press with text opinionswich use humor as a confr ontation, resistance and social protest resource. In this paper, it is important to notice the resources and linguistic strategies concerning two journalistic publications -El Cascotazo and El Mosquito- through this, this media construct reality and are establish as antagonistic social actors to the current government.

The conclusions reveal that the analized humoristic texts have the proper characteristics of the agonic discourse: they constitute contest-discourses wich question the status quo,transgress the conventions and the established discursive practices and by the resources - sarcasm, irony, parody, sharpness- this texts become exponents of serious humor.


Opinion discourse, Linguistic strategies, Contest-discourse, Serious humour