Beauty, republic and sociability: about the letters on the aesthetic education of Man By F. Schiller


  • Marcos Aguirre Silva Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano


The paper proposes a Reading of Schillers’ letters On the aesthetic Education of Man from the viewpoint of the concept “sociability” with which Schiller situates, in the last letter, the territory where the aesthetic way towards “freedom” would break through. It is pointed to the propagation of the sociability concept via the kantian anthropology and the sociology of Simmel. It is postulated the affinity of this approach with the contemporary thinking of the event.


Schiller, Kant, Simmel, Sociability, emancipatory politics, comensality, event

Author Biography

Marcos Aguirre Silva, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano

Instituto de Humanidades, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano


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