Citizenship and self-care in reproductive and sexual health: An exploratory study in working women in the health and education sectors.


  • Sergio González Rodriguez Profesor departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de Chile
  • Marcela Arriagada Pincetti Psicóloga Universidad de Santiago.


In the article the subjects of citizenship and self- caring in terms of reproductive an sexual health relate referring to a study in performed on working women in both the areas of health and education with technical and university levels of formation. Through a qualitative methodogical viewpoint based on profoundly performed interviews, self-caring practices within these areas are analyzed and at the same time the deficiencies determined by beliefs, cognitive-emotional contents and provider/user relationships that inhibit its strengthening are verified. As a consequence, citizenship rights are established in the field of reproductive health, tryng to ensure higher levels of responsability and autonomy in self-caring and reinforcing the establishment of active citizenship.


self-care, reproductive and sexual health, citizenship