Subjective Well-being: Towards a Positive Psychology


  • Haydée Cuadra L. Facultad de Psicología, Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Ramón Florenzano U. Facultad de Psicología, Universidad del Desarrollo


This work reviews an emerging area in psychology, that reacting to an emphasis in
negative states, has given a new look to positive human qualities. Subjective wellbeing (BS) has became an area of scientific interest, attempting to identify factors that contribute to it. The importance of subjective self-appraisal of life satisfaction, beyond fact such as youth or economic standing has led to theoretical frameworks such as the one formulated by Diener et al. Empirical data that support this framework are presented, as well as several instruments that can be used to measure this new area of research in psychology.


Subjective well-being, positive psychology, happiness