Risk as a device of governance: neo-prudentialism and subjectivation


  • Mauricio Sepúlveda Galeas Universidad Rovira y Virgili


This article explores the discursive practices about risk in the context of neoliberal governmentality processes, understanding (problematizing) the risk as a device of governance through which processes of objectivation and subjectivation characteristic of contemporary capitalism are articulated. Indeed, what is required today are "trained souls", or in other words, subjectivities equipped with the most sought volatile qualities after in the risk society, -like responsibility, endurance, etc.- all reflected or ingrown ideally in the self-producing businessman, and in particular in the homo prudens. Qualities all of which "coincidentally", directly or indirectly, are integrated in the variety of objectives of the prevention programs within the "Psi"-sphere.    


risk, security, governmentality, neoliberalism, neo-prudentialism