Vernacular educational knowledge for curricular innovation in a mapuche milieu


  • Daniel Quilaqueo Facultad de Educación, Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Segundo Quintriqueo Facultad de Educación, Universidad Católica de Temuco


The present study addresses the problem of training teachers of mapuche and non mapuche origin, teaching in mapuche communities and in mixed schools in urban areas. The project seeks to develop an intercultural approach to curriculum innovation to meet the requirements of the Chilean Ministry of Education and the demands of families for improvement in the quality of education. The object is to identify the mapuche background knowledge in order to integrate into the proposed curriculum the princiles for training people from the kimeltuwün (mapuche educational process) perspective. The results identify the essential components of background knowledge provided by the kimches (wise men) showing validity to mapuche background education, which gives meaning in both native and foreign environments, allowing cultural appropriation. Thus the mapuche education indicates validity as a component in intercultural curriculum innovation.


Mapuche educational knowledge, curriculum innovation, intercultural