About the Journal

ESTUDIOS INTERNACIONALES is a multidisciplinary academic journal in the field of international relations, addressing its political, legal, economic, and historical dimensions. Estudios Internacionales publishes original research works on various regions of the world, giving special importance to topics related to Latin America.

It is eminently an instrument for the exchange of research results between specialists in international studies, as well as others interested in knowing the latest developments in the area. It is published three times a year, in the months of April, August and December.

The journal is financed with resources from the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile, does not accept advertising and is not commercialized. Estudios Internacionales is committed to providing the greatest possible access to its articles, which is why there is no charge for access to published articles, neither current nor past.

The opinions expressed in it are the exclusive responsibility of its authors and do not bind any institution. The published articles must be original and unpublished and will be subject to peer review by the journal.

The Journal reserves the right to edit the material it publishes.

Papers must comply with the Submission Preparation Checklist.

All correspondence on academic or formal aspects, or on any other requirement related to the Journal, should be addressed to:

Editorial Team: revista.iei@u.uchile.cl or
Marcel Aubry, Editorial Assistant: marcel.aubry@uchile.cl

Dr. Andrés Dockendorff Valdés: adocken@uchile.cl

Twitter: @revista_iei


ISSN: 0719-3769