This paper discusses some of the economic reforms that took place in New Zealand since 1984, tracing some similarities and differences with the Chilean case. In the first part, some economic and social statistics are presented that compare both countries, such as the per capita gross domestic product, the structure of the economy, its export baskets, the behavior of the main macroeconomic variables (product, inflation and employment) and some international competitiveness indices. In the second section, the main economic reforms implemented in New Zealand are analyzed, making comparisons with Chile. In particular, macro and microeconomic reforms and those of the public sector are reviewed, which in turn include reforms of state-owned companies and modernization of the State.
New Zealand, Chile, Economic Reforms, Public Sector Reforms, Modernization of the State
Author Biography
Máximo Pacheco Gómez
Vicepresidente ejecutivo de Carter, Holt & Harvey International Ltd.
Pacheco Gómez, M. (1997). Las reformas económicas en Nueva Zelandia : antecedentes para el caso chileno. Estudios Internacionales, 30(117), p. 79–98.