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Functional Systems, Organizations and Membership: Paradoxes about Organization/Partial System Inclusion in Chile


  • Julio Labraña Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
  • Felipe Pérez-Solari Universidad de Concepción
  • Felipe Rivera Fundación Integra
  • Evelyn Campos Universidad de Chile


The difference between inclusion and exclusion is one of the most renowned theoretical yields in sociological theory proposed by Niklas Luhmann. In this regard, it has not been observed the issue about a strictly correlated between inclusion and exclusion organizational and functional, because it has not been considered carefully the operative closure of each of these systems. The present article discuss this problem trough the hypothesis that the criteria for inclusion in the membership of the organizations do not adopt necessarily the probable forms the functional system in question, but must be defined autonomously to clarify its intended impact. Subsequently, it is analysed the explanatory potential of this hypothesis from certain phenomena in the Chilean context, to conclude with directions and questions arising from the above.


Inclusion, Exclusion, Functional Differentiation, Organizations, Membership

Author Biographies

Julio Labraña, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Julio Labraña es sociólogo de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Actualmente se desempeña como investigador en la Universidad Federico Santa María-Sede Concepción.

Felipe Pérez-Solari, Universidad de Concepción

Felipe Pérez-Solari es historiador de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Actualmente se desempeña como investigador en el Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile y

y como becario Coicyt, Chile.

Felipe Rivera, Fundación Integra

Felipe Rivera es sociólogo de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Actualmente se desempeña como investigador en el Departamento de Educación, Fundación Integra, Chile.

Evelyn Campos, Universidad de Chile

Evelyn Campos es Periodista de la Universidad de Chile, Chile. Actualmente se desempeña como colaboradora en temas editoriales y comunicacionales y como investigadora en proyectos Fondecyt.