
The journal is open to receive papers throughout the year, except when there are calls for papers published on its Web page. Papers must be sent to the editor's email hcadenas@uchile.cl and not by registering on this page. It should be noted that due to the number of papers received, the evaluation of each paper can take between 4 and 8 months.

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Systemic Theories of Communication


  • Dirk Baecker Universidad Witten/Herdecke


Systemic theories of communication proceed from a deconstruction of Shannon's and Weaver's mathematical theory and transmission model of communication. Referring to the unresolved question of the identity of a message for different observers they instead develop a selection model of communication. In order to overcome the engineering model of signaling (rather than communication) offered by Shannon and Weaver systemic theories drop the assumption of a given set of possible messages any one message is considered to be selected from, and instead assume that the set of possible messages is to be constructed by the participants in communication as much as the single message then to be selected from that constructed set, also known as the context.


Autology, Communication, Form, Message, Network, Observer, Selection, Society, Systemic Theory