The indigenous question in Rio Negro, Argentine. Tensions and disputes about the comprehensive approach to the problem



This paper will attempt to analyse the Indigenous Policy of the Province of Rio Negro, Argentine, will focus on the recognition given by the subnational State to the Communities and will explore the tensions that have arisen around the granting of lands, in the framework of the provincial Law N°279 of Lands and Settlements and Law 4744 that creates the Investigating Commission for the Survey of Rural Land Transfers. We ask ourselves whether, in the provincial territory, there really exists an integral treatment of the indigenous problem, within the framework of the Constitutional Reform of 1994, which recognised and established in its articles the ethnic and cultural pre-existence of the native people, and National Law 23.302 on Indigenous Policy and Support for Aboriginal Communities. In order to carry out the article, we will base ourselves on the analysis of the corresponding legislation, the reading of specialised bibliography and we will review what has been published in the provincial press.


Land survey, Community surveys, Indigenous legislation, Indigenous issues, Interculturality

Author Biographies

Mirian Ruth Maldonado, Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Licenciada en Ciencia Política, Universidad Católica de La Plata. Magister en Estudios Políticos, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Doctoranda en Estudios Políticos y Culturales, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Docente e Investigadora en el Centro Regional Zona Atlántica, Universidad Nacional del Comahue.

Eliana Medvedev Luna, Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Licenciada en Ciencia Política,. Postgrado en Marketing Político, Sistemas y Gestión Electoral y Educación mediada por tecnología digital. Doctorando en Estudios Políticos y Culturales, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Docente Universitaria de Ciencia Política, Universidad Nacional del Comahue.