This article offers an overview of the education of young people and adults (EPJA), a modality often invisible in public policies as well as in research centers and university education. Assuming international approaches and perspectives, and national legislative advances, this article seeks to situate the reality of this educational offer that in Chile manages to cover less than 4% of potential demand. For the understanding of the importance of the EPJA and its challenges, a series of reflections made by teachers within the framework of a training process is used, which involved the investigation of pedagogical practices in EPJA, having as reference several disciplines of the social sciences and contributions from cognitive neuroscience. Finally, the article analyzes some of the challenges faced by the EPJA to be promoted from a paradigm of the right to education and to make visible its contribution to educational justice.
educación de personas jóvenes y adultas; justicia educativa; derecho a la educación; aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida, abandono escolar, Youth and adult education; educational justice; right to education; lifelong learning; early school leaving
Letelier-Gálvez, M. E. (2019). Youth and Adults Education: Towards Greater Educational Justice. Revista Saberes Educativos, (3), 03–24.