
It is reported that the thesis section is available, to publish abstracts of postgraduate theses in the disciplinary field. Who submits your thesis, must present the title, abstract, key words (include Occupational Therapy), and a summary of 2 to 3 pages of your thesis. And `present it in Spanish, English and / or Portuguese.

The productive use of the leisure time lived from the social and cultural animation with older people


  • Angélica María Monsalve Robayo Terapeuta Ocupacional. Profesora, Universidad del Rosario. Bogotá.


This article shows the importance of planning and presenting strategies based on designed programs of social and cultural animation that produce continuity, sense of ownership and  selfworth  to help elderly people  take advantage of their leisure time.  To start with those programs the Occupational Therapist has to use education, culture, social community work and productive leisure as fundamental tools to support the activity for all of the older population who stay at home. The entitlement and participation on these programs depends on the participant´s motivation and the Therapist´s creativity and dynamism able to produce interest and taste for the different activities. The related programs are very useful to structure better habits, involve the older participants in leading the groups that they are working in, and make stronger their relationship with people of different ages  at the same time that the older person will  become more technically aware by working with younger people and by using the new technology and industrialization.

Author Biography

Angélica María Monsalve Robayo, Terapeuta Ocupacional. Profesora, Universidad del Rosario. Bogotá.

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Master en Gerontología. Profesora Universidad del Rosario.Bogotá. ColombiaContacto > > E mail: anmonsal@urosario.edu.co Transversal 20 No 107-24 apto401 Teléfono 347 45 70 ext. 410