This article aims to describe the way in which the employment policies construct the working youth in Chile. Based on a discourse analysis on public documents of youth employment policies between 2008-2015; the results show that from the guidelines from the Advisory Council for Labour and Equality (2008), the emphasis is placed on a series of normative requirements focused on the social regulation of youth employment. From a Governmentality Studies-oriented perspective, it is discussed the way in which the 'vulnerable youth' is ruled from a discourse based on Management, employability and selfesteem.
governmentality, employment policies, youth
Author Biography
Guillermo Rivera-Aguilera, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Rivera-Aguilera, G. (2019). GOVERNMENTALITY AND EMPLOYMENT POLICIES: THE DISCURSIVE BUILDING OF WORKING YOUTH IN CHILE. Última Década, 24(45), pp. 34–54. Retrieved from