Young people with disabilities and their social participation course


  • Natasha Reis Ferreira Universidad Federal de São Carlos
  • Fátima Corrêa Oliver Universidad Federal de São Carlos


This study aims to identify the opportunities and obstacles to social participation of young people with disabilities in a city in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. The data was collected by means of documentary research and semi-structured interviews about work, study, leisure and interpersonal relationships carried out on four young people nominated by the Municipal Council of People with Disabilities. The results showed the obstacles for social participation of young people in all areas due to gaps in access and accessibility, especially in the school environment; the latter was mentioned as the one with the most negative experiences, affected by stigma and segregation.


youth, disability, social participation

Author Biographies

Natasha Reis Ferreira, Universidad Federal de São Carlos

Maestría en Terapia Ocupacional por el Programa de Postgrado en Terapia Ocupacional - Universidad Federal de São Carlos.
Universidad Federal de São Carlos. Profesor de la Prefectura Municipal de Ibaté.

Fátima Corrêa Oliver, Universidad Federal de São Carlos

Doctora en Salud Pública por la Universidad de São Paulo. Profesora en la Universidad de São Paulo y en el Programa de Postgrado en Terapia Ocupacional - Universidad Federal de São Carlos.